Volunteer for an organization whose mission is important to you.
Invite an older friend, relative or neighbor to join you in activities and outings.
Share opportunities for seniors to join your group/club/team and inform Age Friendly Sonoma County about how group is engaging with older adults.
Provide Transportation to an older family member/friend or neighbor.
Volunteer to drive for a volunteer transportation service for older adults.
Advocate for Age Friendly transportation solutions in your community.
Apply to sit on a committee for the Sonoma County Transit Authority.
Keep your clients up to date with what's happening. To make this content your own, just add your images, text and links, or connect to data from your collection.
Keep your clients up to date with what's happening. To make this content your own, just add your images, text and links, or connect to data from your collection.
Volunteer for an organization whose mission is important to you.
Invite an older friend, relative or neighbor to join you in activities and outings.
Share opportunities for seniors to join your group/club/team and inform Age Friendly Sonoma County about how group is engaging with older adults.
Provide Transportation to an older family member/friend or neighbor.
Volunteer to drive for a volunteer transportation service for older adults.
Advocate for Age Friendly transportation solutions in your community.
Apply to sit on a committee for the Sonoma County Transit Authority.
Keep your clients up to date with what's happening. To make this content your own, just add your images, text and links, or connect to data from your collection.
Keep your clients up to date with what's happening. To make this content your own, just add your images, text and links, or connect to data from your collection.
Volunteer for an organization whose mission is important to you.
Invite an older friend, relative or neighbor to join you in activities and outings.
Share opportunities for seniors to join your group/club/team and inform Age Friendly Sonoma County about how group is engaging with older adults.
Provide Transportation to an older family member/friend or neighbor.
Volunteer to drive for a volunteer transportation service for older adults.
Advocate for Age Friendly transportation solutions in your community.
Apply to sit on a committee for the Sonoma County Transit Authority.
If you have a granny unit on your property or an extra bedroom and can afford to do so, rent to an older adult at a lower than market rental rate.
Volunteer to support local home modification and improvement programs such as Rebuilding Together – Santa Rosa, Sebastopol, Rohnert Park, etc.
Educate children and grandchildren on the importance of saving early for retirement.
If you suspect an older adult might be victim of financial abuse, report immediately and anonymously to Adult Protective Services at 800-667-0404.
Consider volunteering as strategy to find employment in later years.
Talk about healthcare with your family and how to be engaged with each other’s well-being.
Bring a healthy meal to an older family member or friend as a way to catch up and ensure good nutrition.
Ensure that family and friends have access to healthcare and community services.
Discuss your own healthcare plans with others, complete an advanced healthcare directive and encourage others to do the same.
Report any safety concerns including poor lighting, obstructions, cleanliness, noise and odors.
Use separate bike paths when available to help maintain safety of pedestrian walkways.
When appropriate, politely ask if you can assist an older person who might need a hand with grocery bags, maneuvering across the roadway, etc.
Offer available chairs and sitting areas to those who might need to use it most.
Take an older adult (friend, neighbor, relative) for a walk every day.
Encourage the older adults in your life to begin some form of exercise.
Be a voice in the community and talk about the potential of a longer health span.
Create neighborhood gardens and/or share your bounty with older adult neighbors.
Attend classes, learn a new language or musical instrument, read about new areas of interest, and engage in mentally stimulating games and puzzles.
Go back to school to complete a degree or certificate in a new area of profession or service.
Volunteer to teach a class at a local senior center.
Write and share your expertise and experience with others - letters to family and friends, opinion essays to local papers, articles for club and organizational newsletters.
Share information about community events, activities and resources that will be of interest to your older adult friends, family and neighbors.
Stay in touch with older adult relatives, friends and neighbors by phone, email and in-person visits.
Support family members and friends to be technologically connected with email, internet, cell phone, smart phone and/or tablet, based on their level of interest.